Anxiety VS Depression

Anxiety and depression can be confusing, especially when a person is suffering from both.
That's right people can be suffering from both. 

Anxiety is actually an emotional characterized by extreme stress or worrying about a certain situation which can effect your physical health like sweating or rising blood pressures etc. Depression on the other hand, is the feeling of worthlessness and sadness that makes you lose interest in  every activity you used to enjoy.

During anxiety and depression both are controlled by the hormonal levels; in anxiety the level of dopamine production is lower which causes this state, whereas for depression the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and adrenalin production is at its lowest and only the production of melatonin is at a mild rise.

Mood swings is a term nowadays used in every conversation and occurs due to these 2 major psychological health issues.
For the depression includes: guilt, helplessness, low self-esteem and low self-confidence, thoughts of constant suicide with or without planning.
For anxiety includes the 2 core symptoms: extreme anxiety, worrying for at least 6 months and difficulty in controlling these moods.

Physical symptoms may be seen when counselling by psychologist or even your closest Campanians, which may include the following:
In General anxiety symptoms include muscle tensions or aches, headaches, sweating, dizziness and bowel problems like diarrhea also shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. whereas, in depression people simply lock themselves in a room and remain quiet in conversations, feelings of sadness can be seen on their faces and even their fake smiles are detected.

But there are a few symptoms that are in COMMON to both these issues: tired nearly the whole day, lack of focus on work or any activity which you can easily do, random and sub conscious movements, and also lack of sleep which is the reason why you get up in the middle of night and go to catch fresh air.

These are the fundamental differences we see in both issues. Hope it was helpful for your understanding between the both. Have a nice day!


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