Triangular Love Theory

 Have you ever been in love? In this world almost everyone experiences love and other forms of affections people desire to have. If it were to be explained in a scientific way then the best theory to describe it is Robert Sternberg's theory of "Triangular love or Sternberg's theory of love".

In 1985 Sternberg introduced a theory that grasped the attention of many people, according to him love is a single bundle of positive feelings. After the identification of passionate love and companionate love that are different but are connected in a relationship.

Sternberg introduced his theory by three components arranged as a triangle to help you understand the various aspects of love in a relationship. The three components include passion, intimacy and commitment which are the contexts of interpersonal relationships.

Intimacy is the feelings of attachment, closeness and connectedness felt between two people means that they equally have a high regard for each other. Wishing happiness, motivating, sharing ideas and problems, titled as warmth.

Passion on the other hand is the intense depth of your feelings when you start to like someone. The feelings of romance and physical attachment but isn't limited to that only. Also includes the feelings of nurture, submission and self actualization etc. titled as hot. 

The third is commitment in which two people are tied together through a commitment. As it encompasses the short-term and long-term relationship with one another and plan for the future, titled as cold. 

According to Sternberg's theory of love there are 8 forms of love which are basically the combination of the above described components. 

  • The first one is the non-love which is basically the absence of all three components. This basically characterizes the majority of our interpersonal relationships which consists of simple casual interactions. It could apply to your acquaintances, or to people who you're not particularly attached to.
  • The second is friendship which exists when only intimacy is present. The set of feelings you experience without the intense passion or commitment of romance.
  • The third is the infatuated love occurs when passion is present and intimacy and commitment are absent. Crushes fall into this category, solely desired relations as they are only bounded by carnal desire and nothing more. The common root for romantic love as its believed that intimacy will develop afterwards but if not develops then this type of love can frizzle away.
  • The fourth is empty love, ever heard of an unhappy marriage? that's included in this type in which the passion and intimacy for each other is gone. As a strong love between two people fade away into an empty love nothing is left behind but a contract of marriage. Arranged marriages can start out as an empty love but can still later on develop into other forms of love.
  • The fifth is the romantic love which is a combination of intimacy and passion. Relationships under this type not only have physical bonds but emotional as well and a stepping stone to marriage life but no contract is yet present. This relation is easier to dissolve with no legal issues if you want to end it.
  • The sixth is companionate love  which is the combination of  intimacy and commitment and absence of passion. Stronger than friendship love because commitment is involved. Observed in long-term marriages where you don't need passion in order to stay together because affection still remains. Can also be found among family members or close childhood friends.
  • The seventh is fatuous love, a whirlwind romance that lasts for a short time due to a commitment like two fictional characters on television where the combination of commitment and passion is present but lacks intimacy.
  • The eighth is the consummate love which is the ideal type of love containing all 3 components and is the center of the triangle. According to Sternberg, couples experiencing this type remain attracted to each other throughout life and can't imagine being happy without their partners. Work things out and solve problems together. However, it is the most difficult to maintain this type rather than achieving it.

So that was all about the elaboration of understanding the love triangle. Let me know what you think and have a nice day! 


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