The Depressed Individual

Hey guys!

I get a lot of the people talking about they're depressed life and that people don't see depression as a bigger issue but to all of you reading this; You must know that mental health is as bad as physical health. 

Studies have shown that the part of the brain cingulate present in the frontal cortex is linked with our emotional state along with our physical awareness of pain.

The major reasons of minor and major health issues arising is due to depression where people consider life to be meaningless and that is the reason why over 1.4% suicidal cases occur in the world. Currently the highest suicidal rate was marked in Lithuania in 2020 and followed closely by South Korea.

Depression is basically the low mood, non-interested behavior and the lack of the activities you used to enjoyed in the past, in short its a constant sadness you experience but you must keep it in your mind that if you are not facing these symptoms of depression for approximately 2 weeks then you are not facing any depression. Usually depressed people would come up with a fake smile because they know that what they do or what they talk about doesn't matter to anyone in their social gathering, no matter how much the other person is attentive towards you.


Traumatic events are the vital causes of depression such as abuse of any kind, conflict with a close one, death or cutting ties with a beloved, gender issues especially being a girl in a conservative society. Depression also occurs when insufficient supply of alcohol or drugs are provided to the already addicted.

Types of Depression also exist at any stage of life, major depressive, disruptive mood dysregulation, persistent depressive or dysthymia and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.


Experiencing at least 5 symptoms among; Depressive mood everyday and noticed by others, decreasing interest in your favorite activities, significant weight loss even when not dieting, insomnia or hypersomnia, facing retardation, fatigue or loss in energy, feelings of worthlessness and not able to concentrate or focus, these symptoms must be present for 2 weeks to know that you're suffering from it.


Therefore, I advise you to share your problems with a close friend or family member to help you out of it. Try to enjoy life with basic things you used to do as a kid such as watch cartoons while eating candies, play with you're pet and childhood toys or meditate and engage in outdoor sports time to time. You must also remember that you have to get back on track knowing that if the world doesn't care why must we care no matter what we do it still wont be enough for them but it does matter how much you do it for yourself. If you are still experiencing these symptoms go to see a doctor asap.

Hope it was helpful and may you create your own purpose of life in a positive way! 


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