Brief history of psychology

 Hey there psyche fans! Want to know how this study of the mental capabilities came into being? Let us go back in time where medical science was at its developing state. One of the brilliant minds in the field of medicine was Wilhelm Wundt whom is now well known as "father of psychology". He under the medical research about how the mind works and how we understand things in the way we want to.


In 1879 he founded a laboratory to study psychology at Germany, that's right that's where it started to emerge, and therefore, distinguished psychology as science from philosophy and biology. The first sub-branch he focused on was experimental psychology. Soon his lab was full of graduate students and attracted many scholars as well.

He also developed research tools in order to help him carry between his class and laboratory, construction of suitable instruments such as tachistoscope ( a device which shows an image for a minimum time), chronoscope ( a device to measure, record and indicate time), pendulums for hypnosis, electrical devices , sensory mapping devices etc. The lab was not recognized as part of the campus until 1883 as it eventually grew it was moved to another building which Wundt had designed for his students to research by experiments. 

The list of His lectures during the winter terms of 1875–1879 were 6 days a week, 2 hours daily, such as  Psychology of language, Anthropology (the study of what makes us human), Logistics and Epistemology ( the theory to gain knowledge), and during summer term: Psychology itself, the brain and nerves, as well as physiology, cosmology, historical and general philosophy were included.

Wilhelm Wundt defined psychology as the "science of behavior". The second best psychologist William James who was an American psychologist succeeding in his own path of psychology after Wundt gave the proper definition to psychology that was " the science of mental processes", which is now used today. Both are known to be the father of psychology but due to year differences; Wilhelm born in 1832 -1920 while William born after 10 years and dying 10 years before Wundt.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
