Describing The Character of the Joker

 Today's topic is delightful and my personal favorite, I have seen people being inspired by the famous character of joker in the batman series. Although as a kid reading comics no one noticed the unusual character of the joker during the 1950s; but now we all know him due to the amazing acting in the movie "the dark knight" in 2008.

Heath Ledger has shared his experience as the fictional character "the joker". Even though he wanted to play the role of batman but the joker character was much more inspiring and thanks to that he won the Oscar for his best performance not only as a joker but as the first villain in the film industry. The acting even terrified the audience during the shooting especially Micheal Caine who played as the Butler.

The Joker is portrayed as a criminal mastermind. As a psychopath with a traumatic past and sadistic sense of humor and a goofy presence but this character has much more hidden traits than we have seen. The joker may be seen as just a villain role in a movie but did you know that Heath Ledger actually had spend a lot many months behind closed doors to actually get himself into this character? Even his life had a psychological impact due to which caused his death at the age of 28. According to the autopsy report the actor had taken a lot of painkillers and investigators reported he was watching his role as the joker on television, at that time along with his scripts from the movie laying around. During his time at the set he even boasted about his experience that the role had finished him mentally and reading about madmen stories derived him nuts. 

The joker is basically a super psychopathic freak but to be honest, He is not! that's what he wants you to think....Such a guy who can easily manipulate people in order to get what he wants... I think he is a pretty good psychologist himself who understands the psyche of people and once people like joker know your hidden weakness they will use it against you.

The following are some of the interesting facts about his character:

1.He loves to manipulate people, proving his way, he has countlessly used ways to make people think they were bad and could become a criminal at any time, although knowing the weakness of Batman that he can't hurt people, he willing stood up against Batman telling him to run his bike over him which in the end Batman couldn't. 

2.He knows what he wants, the joker always gets what he wants and that's reason he always had a backup plan for each of his tricks. Using the main incident as a distraction for the police and making his own hidden way to prove that he can achieve anything even things don't go according to plan.

3.The joker could be a eliminated soldier from the military, noticed how joker is so easy going with guns and rifles? The aiming and shooting is precise and the ways he keep it cool when he was being hit again and again during his interrogation with Batman? It shows that the joker has either faced such a harder time with enemies during his time as military or as victim in a war. Depending on his hand to hand combat skills.

4.He understands the psyche of people, knowing which statement will have a huge effect and how he sorts out the outcomes of any situations such as in the movie he explains how he scares people with his plans and while they're taking precautionary measures that is actually the part where his master plan begins.

And many other traits that you might have seen in the movie, the joker's one bad day had simply caused his psyche to become someone who can recognize him as famous person. But why he choses the bad version to have that fame? Well if you think like joker who doesn't like becoming a good hero in the eyes of others but being a good villain is much more unique as it sounds. Think of the fact that Batman spends his time being a super hero in the eyes of his audience but in the end the villain wins the Oscar, funny no?

 Although both Batman and joker suffered from PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder. Batman conquering his fear of dark alleys by becoming the dark alley. Joker making himself relaxed in traumatic situations by becoming the trauma for others. 

Hope you found this interesting and if you have your suggestions related to the joker's diagnosis, let me know in the comments.


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