
Describing The Character of the Joker

 Today's topic is delightful and my personal favorite, I have seen people being inspired by the famous character of joker in the batman series. Although as a kid reading comics no one noticed the unusual character of the joker during the 1950s; but now we all know him due to the amazing acting in the movie "the dark knight" in 2008. Heath Ledger has shared his experience as the fictional character "the joker". Even though he wanted to play the role of batman but the joker character was much more inspiring and thanks to that he won the Oscar for his best performance not only as a joker but as the first villain in the film industry. The acting even terrified the audience during the shooting especially Micheal Caine who played as the Butler. The Joker is portrayed as a criminal mastermind. As a psychopath with a traumatic past and sadistic sense of humor and a goofy presence but this character has much more hidden traits than we have seen. The joker may be seen as

Triangular Love Theory

 Have you ever been in love? In this world almost everyone experiences love and other forms of affections people desire to have. If it were to be explained in a scientific way then the best theory to describe it is Robert Sternberg's theory of "Triangular love or Sternberg's theory of love". In 1985 Sternberg introduced a theory that grasped the attention of many people, according to him love is a single bundle of positive feelings. After the identification of passionate love and companionate love that are different but are connected in a relationship. Sternberg introduced his theory by three components arranged as a triangle to help you understand the various aspects of love in a relationship. The three components include passion, intimacy and commitment which are the contexts of interpersonal relationships. Intimacy is the feelings of attachment, closeness and connectedness felt between two people means that they equally have a high regard for each other. Wishing ha

Brief history of psychology

 Hey there psyche fans! Want to know how this study of the mental capabilities came into being? Let us go back in time where medical science was at its developing state. One of the brilliant minds in the field of medicine was Wilhelm Wundt whom is now well known as "father of psychology". He under the medical research about how the mind works and how we understand things in the way we want to.   In 1879 he founded a laboratory to study psychology at Germany, that's right that's where it started to emerge, and therefore, distinguished psychology as science from philosophy and biology. The first sub-branch he focused on was experimental psychology. Soon his lab was full of graduate students and attracted many scholars as well. He also developed research tools in order to help him carry between his class and laboratory, construction of suitable instruments such as tachistoscope ( a device which shows an image for a minimum time), chronoscope ( a device to measure, record

Anxiety VS Depression

Anxiety and depression can be confusing, especially when a person is suffering from both. That's right people can be suffering from both.  Anxiety is actually an emotional characterized by extreme stress or worrying about a certain situation which can effect your physical health like sweating or rising blood pressures etc. Depression on the other hand, is the feeling of worthlessness and sadness that makes you lose interest in  every activity you used to enjoy. During anxiety and depression both are controlled by the hormonal levels; in anxiety the level of dopamine production is lower which causes this state, whereas for depression the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and adrenalin production is at its lowest and only the production of melatonin is at a mild rise. Mood swings is a term nowadays used in every conversation and occurs due to these 2 major psychological health issues. For the depression includes: guilt, helplessness, low self-esteem and low self-confidence, thoughts of

The Depressed Individual

Hey guys! I get a lot of the people talking about they're depressed life and that people don't see depression as a bigger issue but to all of you reading this; You must know that mental health is as bad as physical health.  Studies have shown that the part of the brain cingulate present in the frontal cortex is linked with our emotional state along with our physical awareness of pain. The major reasons of minor and major health issues arising is due to depression where people consider life to be meaningless and that is the reason why over 1.4% suicidal cases occur in the world. Currently the highest suicidal rate was marked in Lithuania in 2020 and followed closely by South Korea. Depression is basically the low mood, non-interested behavior and the lack of the activities you used to enjoyed in the past, in short its a constant sadness you experience but you must keep it in your mind that if you are not facing these symptoms of depression for approximately 2 weeks then you are